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Improving School Safety Using Two-Way Radios


Today, the priority is the safety of college and high school campuses. Campus safety call boxes and two-way radio intercom systems are crucial for preventing crime on-premises. The safety of our students is a growing concern in the modern world. We hear of so many fatal events that could have been prevented if the appropriate safety gear had been on hand.

It has gotten harder over time to provide a pleasant, orderly, and welcoming environment for the kids while also keeping them safe. States have spent millions of dollars to achieve their top aim of keeping criminals out. Students frequently have to travel significant distances on foot to reach their destinations on campus. Knowing a two-way radio call box is close by gives students who are out on their own invaluable psychological security.

Even though we definitely don't want college campuses to resemble lock-down facilities, today's youth recognize the need for a secure atmosphere. It is only reasonable to view two-way radio intercoms as a useful tool for ensuring their safety. Dorm rooms are a student's home, and just as a home has security gates or an alarm system, so should a student. Two-way radios can be installed without wires and come in a variety of configurations. They offer a cost-effective answer to a pressing issue.

Also, the most efficient communication tool your school has access to is a two-way radio, which also has a number of advantages, some of which are listed here.

  • Quick Communication- simply press the talk button, and all other users will immediately hear you. There are several two-way radio versions that, when pressed, make that discussion heard by everyone within hearing distance regardless of what they are doing, are available.

  • A strong team. Although it's unlikely that you'll ever have to deal with a shooter, using two-way radios can help control and frequently stop student violence and custody disputes. Due to their ability to see and immediately inform others of events, every two-way radio user becomes a de facto member of your security team.

  • Numerous kids were saved by a custodian who, while listening to his two-way radio or using a public safety das, learned about a gunman and went through the school's hallways shouting for everyone to seek cover and lock their doors. All personnel should be equipped with walkie-talkies to speed up response times and lower risk to your students and staff.

  • More rapid de-escalation. Two-way radios enable you to instantly communicate with key players during drills and actual incidents to give the all-clear when everyone is safe.


Students today deal with many situations that we wish did not exist, like assault, rape, and robbery, which all happen on college campuses across the country. It is our responsibility to ensure that these crimes are reduced and that our students can feel secure in their learning environment. Thus, on campus, Tait two-way radios call boxes should be strategically placed as a safety measure.



Established in 1988, PMC Wireless has been in the competitive sector for more than 30 years to maintain focus on the consumer and the value proposition they offer to the market. Serving education two-way radios and other equipment, they are proud of being reliable, responsive, and productive to meet consumers' expectations flawlessly.
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